Swarm Intelligence

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Part I
   Chapter 1    Chapter 2    Chapter 3    Chapter 4    Chapter 5    Chapter 6

Part II
   Chapter 7    Chapter 8    Chapter 9    Chapter 10    Chapter 11


  Part I: Foundations

Part I lays the groundwork for our journey into the world of particle swarms and swarm intelligence that occurs later in the book. We visit big topics such as life, intelligence, optimization, adaptation, simulation and modeling.

Chapter 1 – Models and Concepts of Life and Intelligence first looks at what kinds of phenomena can be included under these terms. What is life? This is an important question of our historical era, as there are many ambiguous cases. Can life be created by man? What is the role of adaptation in life and thought? And why do so many natural adaptive systems seem to rely on randomness?

Is cultural evolution Darwinian? – Some think so; the question of evolution in culture is central to this volume. The Game of Life and cellular automata in general are computational examples of emergence, which seems to be fundamental to life and intelligence, and some artificial life paradigms are introduced. The chapter begins to inquire about the nature of intelligence and reviews some of the ways that researchers have tried to model human thought. We conclude that intelligence just means "the qualities of a good mind," which of course might not be defined the same by everybody.

Chapter 2 – Symbols, Connections, and Optimization by Trial and Error is intended to provide a background that will make the later chapters meaningful. What is optimization and what does it have to do with minds? We describe aspects of complex fitness landscapes, and some methods that are used to find optimal regions on them. Minds can be thought of as points in high-dimensional space: what would be needed to optimize them? Symbols as discrete packages of meaning are contrasted to the connectionist approach where meaning is distributed across a network. Some issues are discussed having to do with numeric representations of cognitive variables and mathematical problems.

Chapter 3 -- On Our Nonexistence as Entities: The Social Organism considers the various zoom-angles that can be used to look at living and thinking things. Though we tend to think of ourselves as autonomous beings, we can be considered as macro-entities hosting multitudes of cellular or even sub-cellular guests, or as micro-entities inhabiting a planet that is alive. The chapter addresses some issues about social behavior. Why do animals live in groups? How do the social insects manage to build arches, organize cemeteries, stack wood chips? How do bird flocks and fish schools stay together? And what in the world could any of this have to do with human intelligence? (Hint: it has a lot to do with it.)

Some interesting questions have had to be answered before robots could do anything on their own. Rodney Brooks’ subsumption architecture builds apparently goal-directed behavior out of modules. And what’s the difference between a simulated robot and an agent? Finally, Chapter 3 looks at computer programs that can converse with people. How do they do it? –Usually by exploiting the shallowness or mindlessness of most conversation.

Chapter 4 – Evolutionary Computation Theory and Paradigms describes the four major computational paradigms that use evolutionary theory for problem solving in some detail. The fitness of potential problem solutions is calculated, and the survival of the fittest allows better solutions to reproduce. These powerful methods are known as the "second best way" to solve any problem.

Chapter 5 – Humans – Actual, Imagined, and Implied starts off musing on language as a bottom-up phenomenon. The chapter goes on to reviews the downfall of behavioristic psychology and the rise of cognitivism – meanwhile, social psychology kept simmering in the background. Clearly there is a relationship between culture and mind, and a number of researchers have tried to write computer programs based on that relationship. As we review various paradigms, it becomes apparent that a lot of people think that culture must be similar to Darwinistic evolution. Are they the same? How are they different?

Chapter 6 – Thinking is Social. This chapter eases us into our own research on social models of optimization. The Adaptive Culture Model is based on Axelrod’s Culture Model – in fact it is exactly like it except for one little thing: individuals imitate their neighbors, not on the basis of similarity, but on the basis of their performance. If your neighbor has a better solution to the problem than you do, you try to be more like them. It is a very simple algorithm with big implications.

Part II: Particle Swarm Optimization and Collective Intelligence

Part II focuses on our particle swarms paradigm, and the collective and individual intelligence that arises within the swarm. We first introduce the conceptually simplest version of particle swarms: binary particle swarms, and then discuss the "workhorse" of particle swarms, the real-valued version. Variations on the basic algorithm and the performance of the particle swarm on benchmark functions precede a review of a few applications.

Chapter 7- The Particle Swarm begins by suggesting that the same simple processes that underlie cultural adaptation can be incorporated into a computational paradigm. Multivariate decision making is reflected in a binary particle swarm. The performance of binary particle swarms is then evaluated on a number of benchmarks.

The chapter then describes the real-valued particle swarm optimization paradigm. Individuals are depicted as points in a shared high-dimensional space. The influence of each individual’s successes and those of neighbors is similar to the binary version, but change is now portrayed as movement rather than probability. The chapter concludes with a description of the use of particle swarm optimization to find the weights in a simple neural network.

Chapter 8 – Variations and Comparisons is a somewhat more technical look at what various researchers have done with the basic particle swarm algorithm. We first look at the effects of the algorithm’s main parameters, and at a couple of techniques for improving performance. Are particle swarms actually just another kind of evolutionary algorithm? There are reasons to think so, and reasons not to. Considering the similarities and differences between evolution and culture can help us understand the algorithm and possible things to try with it.

Chapter 9 – Applications reviews a few of the applications of particle swarm optimization. The use of particle swarm optimization to evolve artificial neural networks is presented first. Evolutionary computation techniques have most commonly been used to evolve neural network weights, but have sometimes been used to evolve neural network structure or the neural network learning algorithm. The strengths and weaknesses of these approaches are reviewed. The use of particle swarm optimization to replace the learning algorithm and evolve both the weights and structure of a neural network is described. An added benefit of this approach is that it makes scaling or normalization of input data unnecessary. The classification of the Iris Data Set is used to illustrate the approach. Although a feedforward neural network is used as the example, the methodology is valid for practically any type of network.

Chapter 10 – Implications and Speculations reviews the implications of particle swarms for theorizing about psychology and computation. If social interaction provides the algorithm for optimizing minds, then what must that be like for the individual? Various social- and computer-science perspectives are brought to bear on the subject.

Chapter 11 – And In Conclusion… looks back at some of the motifs that were woven through the narrative.

Appendix A – Statistics for Swarmers is where we review some methods for scientific experimental design and data analysis. The discussion is a high-level overview to help researchers design their investigations; you should be conversant with these tools if you’re going to evaluate what you are doing with particle swarm optimization – or any other stochastic optimization, for that matter. Included are sections on descriptive and inferential statistics, confidence intervals, Student’s t-test, one-way analysis of variance, factorial and multivariate ANOVA, regression analysis, and the chi-square test of independence. The material in this appendix provides you with sufficient information to perform some of the simple statistical analyses. In more complex areas, we provide mainly descriptive material, and point you to a couple of good (in our opinion) statistics texts.

    This page was last modified 2002-11-07 by Xiaohui hu